
Email Newsletters

Links to articles in the Summer 2024 Newsletter

Save the Smith Baker Center – Updates, Website, & Opportunities to Participate
John Ames & William Lamson: Two of the first casualties of the Civil War by Walter V. Hicke
Photo Gallery – Contributor: Kevin Harkins
Horses and autos “share” the Lowell streets. It didn’t always go well . . .
James V. Atkinson (1787–1874) City Crier
What’s in a name: The renaming (and un-renaming) of City Hall by Walter V. Hickey
The 100 Poster Project
Countdown to the Bicentennial – The first town officers – March 1826
LHS Blogs

Links to articles in the Spring 2024 Newsletter

LHS supports the preservation of the Smith Baker Center
The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument Statue (1905 – ?) – contributor: Walter V. Hickey
 The Franco-American Male Chorus – contributor: Joe Jussaume
 A Forgotten Part of Back Central – contributors: Gray Fitzsimons and Marie Frank
The Hackberry Tree, Pawtucket and Cheever Streets, Little Canada
The Keyes Building (1834 – 2016) – a textbook case of “demolition by neglect”
St. Patrick School Complex – contributor: Walter V. Hickey
 DuFresne’s Supermarket – contributor: Janine Whitcomb
 Matthew’s Memorial Church, later named The Spanish American Center (1902 – 1994) 
Lost Lowell Photo Gallery – contributor: Kevin Harkins
 The Grist Mill (1857 – 1966)
 The Lowell State Armory (1889 – 1977)
LHS Blogs

Links to articles in the Winter 2024 Newsletter

Links to articles in the Fall 2023 Newsletter

Links to articles in the Summer 2023 Newsletter

Links to articles in the Spring 2023 Newsletter

Links to articles in the Winter 2023 Newsletter

PDFs of Printed Newsletters